Synopsys 培训时,候捷老师讲解了 “可变参数模版”这一个课题。 本文记录了两个例子来说明可变参数模版的用法。
void print() {
// T 为一个, ...Types 为一包
// 每次处理第一个,然后递归的调用更小的一包
template <typename T , typename...Types>
void print(T & first, Types& ... args) {
cout<<first << endl;
int a = 10;
float b = 20.0;
string c = "abcd";
double x = 23.0;
// This is must needed. If no this, the specialization following will not compile
// Since the compiler don't recognize MyClass as a teplate class
template <typename ... Types> class MyClass;
// The specialization does nothing。Simply for all the classes to inheriate from this class
template <> class MyClass<> {};
// 与函数相同,分为一个参数T和一包参数...Types
// 继承自一小包为 参数的模版父类.该父类又继续递归继承自含有更少模版参数的父类
// 直到可变参数的个数为0, 也就是 template <> class MyClass<> {}; 所定义的最特化的类
template <typename T, typename...Types>
class MyClass<T, Types...> :
private MyClass<Types...>
typedef MyClass<Types...> inheriated ;
MyClass(T first, Types ...args) :
firstData(first), inheriated(args...) {}
T head() {return firstData;};
inheriated & tail() {
return *this;
T firstData;
// 注意可变模版参数的模版类必须在实例化时,使用 <>指定模版的实参
// 而上个例子中的模版函数则不需要直接指定模版实参.
void test() {
int a = 10;
float b = 20.0;
string c = "abcd";
double x = 23.0;
// MyClass<int, string>
// -> MyClass<string> -> MyClass<>
MyClass<int, string> obj1(a,c);
// MyClass<int, float, string, double>
// -> MyClass<float, string, double>
// -> MyClass<string, double>
// -> MyClass<double> -> MyClass<>
MyClass<int, float, string, double> obj(a,b,c,x);
cout << obj.head() <<endl;
cout << obj.tail().head() << endl;
cout << obj.tail().tail().head() << endl;
cout << obj.tail().tail().tail().head() << endl;
return 0;